www.amazon.in Keyword Density Checker
Keyword | Frequency | Density |
side tissue tape | 13 | 2.29% |
double side tissue | 13 | 2.29% |
tissue tape art | 10 | 1.76% |
tape art craft | 10 | 1.76% |
art craft 12mm | 10 | 1.76% |
incorporation double side | 8 | 1.41% |
kumawat incorporation double | 8 | 1.41% |
cart spcsrf treatment | 7 | 1.23% |
details added cart | 7 | 1.23% |
treatment add cart | 7 | 1.23% |
Keyword | Frequency | Density |
tissue tape | 22 | 2.59% |
art craft | 14 | 1.65% |
double side | 13 | 1.53% |
double sided | 13 | 1.53% |
side tissue | 13 | 1.53% |
kumawat incorporation | 11 | 1.29% |
tape art | 10 | 1.18% |
craft 12mm | 10 | 1.18% |
incorporation double | 8 | 0.94% |
add cart | 8 | 0.94% |
Keyword | Frequency | Density |
tape | 44 | 2.59% |
amazon | 36 | 2.12% |
double | 30 | 1.76% |
tissue | 24 | 1.41% |
craft | 19 | 1.12% |
pack | 19 | 1.12% |
details | 18 | 1.06% |
cart | 17 | 1.00% |
art | 15 | 0.88% |
kumawat | 15 | 0.88% |
This tool extracts most used keywords found inside the body of the webpage. Meta Keywords tag are removed from the keyword statistics. English stop-words are removed.
The following headings are splitted into sub-ones through punctuation. The sentences longer than 10 words are omitted. These are punctuation-free sentences.
Heading H1
additional informationfeedback
about this item
technical details
pack of 2
kumawat incorporation double side tissue tape for art & craft
Heading H2
brand in this category on amazoncompare with similar items
brands in this category on amazon
what is in the box
where did you see a lower price
customer reviews
product description
product information
looking for specific info
buy it with
non returnable
partner offers
bank offer
Heading H3
no customer reviewspurchase options and add ons
labels & more
jacklabels make all types of stickers
self adhesive
easy to apply
double layer
your versatile & essential crafting companion
double sided tissue tape
there was a problem