Keyword Density Checker
Keyword | Frequency | Density |
founded unfunded company | 5 | 1.31% |
based founded unfunded | 5 | 1.31% |
jul swiggy swiggy | 4 | 1.05% |
grocery delivery services | 4 | 1.05% |
based platform offering | 4 | 1.05% |
aug swiggy swiggy | 4 | 1.05% |
food grocery delivery | 4 | 1.05% |
platform offering demand | 4 | 1.05% |
offering demand food | 3 | 0.78% |
demand food grocery | 3 | 0.78% |
Keyword | Frequency | Density |
swiggy swiggy | 17 | 2.96% |
sign today | 8 | 1.39% |
aug swiggy | 6 | 1.05% |
grocery delivery | 6 | 1.05% |
platform offering | 6 | 1.05% |
based founded | 6 | 1.05% |
funding rounds | 6 | 1.05% |
unfunded company | 5 | 0.87% |
founded unfunded | 5 | 0.87% |
details swiggy | 5 | 0.87% |
Keyword | Frequency | Density |
swiggy | 100 | 8.71% |
funding | 22 | 1.92% |
company | 21 | 1.83% |
investors | 16 | 1.39% |
founded | 12 | 1.05% |
aug | 12 | 1.05% |
food | 11 | 0.96% |
series | 11 | 0.96% |
based | 10 | 0.87% |
investment | 10 | 0.87% |
This tool extracts most used keywords found inside the body of the webpage. Meta Keywords tag are removed from the keyword statistics. English stop-words are removed.
The following headings are splitted into sub-ones through punctuation. The sentences longer than 10 words are omitted. These are punctuation-free sentences.
Heading H1
swiggy company profileHeading H2
swiggyexplore our recently published companies
about the company
swiggy key metrics
frequently asked questions about swiggy
news related to swiggy
reports related to swiggy
swiggy's investments and acquisitions
swiggy's latest cap tables and shareholding
swiggy's competitors and alternates
swiggy's founders and board of directors
swiggy's funding and investors
Heading H3
who is the current ceo of swiggywho are the founders of swiggy
who are swiggy's investors
what is the current valuation of swiggy
list of recent funding rounds of swiggy
what are the most recent funding rounds of swiggy
how much funding has swiggy raised till date
which legal entities is swiggy associated with
who is on the board of swiggy
how many employees does swiggy have
what is the annual revenue of swiggy
below is a comparison of top competitors of swiggy
where is swiggy located
who are the current shareholders of swiggy
when was swiggy founded
is swiggy a funded company
competitive landscape of swiggy
when was the latest funding round of swiggy
what is the valuation of swiggy
which sectors and market segments does swiggy operate in
what does swiggy do
company details
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