Keyword Density Checker
Keyword | Frequency | Density |
https prabhatkhabar state | 8 | 3.24% |
prabhatkhabar state jharkhand | 4 | 1.62% |
state jharkhand deoghar | 4 | 1.62% |
meta tags meta | 4 | 1.62% |
tags meta tags | 4 | 1.62% |
prabhatkhabar state bihar | 4 | 1.62% |
search engines read | 3 | 1.22% |
meta tags focus | 3 | 1.22% |
check meta tags | 3 | 1.22% |
hour https prabhatkhabar | 3 | 1.22% |
Keyword | Frequency | Density |
meta tags | 32 | 8.65% |
https prabhatkhabar | 8 | 2.16% |
prabhatkhabar state | 8 | 2.16% |
tags meta | 7 | 1.89% |
search engines | 7 | 1.89% |
hour https | 6 | 1.62% |
meta description | 6 | 1.62% |
metatags checker | 5 | 1.35% |
jharkhand deoghar | 4 | 1.08% |
lok sabha | 4 | 1.08% |
Keyword | Frequency | Density |
tags | 56 | 7.57% |
meta | 44 | 5.95% |
https | 22 | 2.97% |
search | 13 | 1.76% |
title | 12 | 1.62% |
bihar | 12 | 1.62% |
description | 10 | 1.35% |
prabhatkhabar | 8 | 1.08% |
state | 8 | 1.08% |
jharkhand | 8 | 1.08% |
This tool extracts most used keywords found inside the body of the webpage. Meta Keywords tag are removed from the keyword statistics. English stop-words are removed.
The following headings are splitted into sub-ones through punctuation. The sentences longer than 10 words are omitted. These are punctuation-free sentences.
Heading H1
metatags checkerHeading H2
last website checkedsee meta tags of a webpage
what are meta tags
Heading H3
what are the benefits of using meta tagsconclusion
examples of good and bad meta tags
significant meta tags
how meta tags affect click through rate and brand image
how to check how many meta tags are present in the content
what is the good practice for using meta tags