www.g2ocean.com Vérificateur de méta-balises

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descriptionG2 Ocean is a joint venture of two of the world’s leading breakbulk and bulk shipping companies: Gearbulk and Grieg Star. We operate the largest fleet of open hatch vessels worldwide. In addition we operate a substantial fleet of conventional bulk carriers. With 130 vessels and 15 offices on six continents, we can serve all our customer’s needs. Our vessels are tailor-made for breakbulk cargoes like forestry products, steel and project cargoes. Advanced systems make shipping with us easy. The passion and expertise of our people put our customers at ease. This is the basis for reliable, efficient, flexible, high-quality and innovative services.
keywordsShipping, project cargo, G2 Ocean, Gearbulk, Grieg Star, bulk, open hatch, forestry, steel, aluminium, pulp, transport, wind turbine, windmill, paper, Kraft liner, fluff pulp, ship, vessel, breakbulk, gantry crane, crane
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