कीवर्ड डेंसिटी चेकर
शब्दों की गिनती
तीन शब्द कीफ्रेज़
कीवर्ड | आवृत्ति | फ्रीक्वेंसी |
infrared sauna benefits | 3 | 1.94% |
health technologies therapies | 2 | 1.29% |
benefits infrared sauna | 2 | 1.29% |
superhuman health technologies | 2 | 1.29% |
infrared sauna honolulu | 2 | 1.29% |
lowers blood pressure | 2 | 1.29% |
body works cool | 1 | 0.65% |
works cool substantial | 1 | 0.65% |
loss studies shown | 1 | 0.65% |
offers full spectrum | 1 | 0.65% |
दो शब्द कीफ्रेज़
कीवर्ड | आवृत्ति | फ्रीक्वेंसी |
infrared sauna | 11 | 4.74% |
exosome therapy | 4 | 1.72% |
blood flow | 3 | 1.29% |
blood pressure | 3 | 1.29% |
sauna benefits | 3 | 1.29% |
infrared saunas | 2 | 0.86% |
lowers blood | 2 | 0.86% |
superhuman radar | 2 | 0.86% |
benefits infrared | 2 | 0.86% |
superhuman health | 2 | 0.86% |
एक शब्द वाक्यांश
कीवर्ड | आवृत्ति | फ्रीक्वेंसी |
infrared | 24 | 5.17% |
therapy | 14 | 3.02% |
sauna | 13 | 2.80% |
body | 7 | 1.51% |
superhuman | 7 | 1.51% |
blood | 7 | 1.51% |
honolulu | 6 | 1.29% |
skin | 5 | 1.08% |
benefits | 5 | 1.08% |
human | 4 | 0.86% |
This tool extracts most used keywords found inside the body of the webpage. Meta Keywords tag are removed from the keyword statistics. English stop-words are removed.
The following headings are splitted into sub-ones through punctuation. The sentences longer than 10 words are omitted. These are punctuation-free sentences.
Heading H1
infrared sauna in honoluluHeading H2
detoxificationanti aging & skin purification
cell health
improved circulation
lower blood pressure
wound healing
superhuman health technologies & therapies
pain relief
weight loss
Heading H3
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