www.mahel-magic.com Keyword Density Checker
Keyword | Frequency | Density |
magicien close up | 4 | 1.38% |
close up cocktail | 3 | 1.04% |
prestations close up | 2 | 0.69% |
mahel magicien paris | 2 | 0.69% |
bulles savon géantes | 2 | 0.69% |
passe table table | 2 | 0.69% |
spectacle magie enfant | 2 | 0.69% |
show scénique spectacle | 2 | 0.69% |
close up repas | 2 | 0.69% |
mariage sais moment | 1 | 0.35% |
Keyword | Frequency | Density |
magicien mariage | 11 | 2.53% |
close up | 10 | 2.30% |
sculpture ballon | 6 | 1.38% |
spectacle magie | 5 | 1.15% |
magicien professionnel | 4 | 0.92% |
mahel magicien | 4 | 0.92% |
magicien close | 4 | 0.92% |
table table | 3 | 0.69% |
fêtes anniversaire | 3 | 0.69% |
up cocktail | 3 | 0.69% |
Keyword | Frequency | Density |
magicien | 34 | 3.92% |
magie | 26 | 3.00% |
mariage | 26 | 3.00% |
up | 10 | 1.15% |
mahel | 10 | 1.15% |
spectacle | 10 | 1.15% |
plus | 10 | 1.15% |
close | 10 | 1.15% |
animation | 9 | 1.04% |
prestation | 9 | 1.04% |
This tool extracts most used keywords found inside the body of the webpage. Meta Keywords tag are removed from the keyword statistics. English stop-words are removed.
The following headings are splitted into sub-ones through punctuation. The sentences longer than 10 words are omitted. These are punctuation-free sentences.
Heading H1
sublimez votre mariage avec un magicienHeading H2
contactez nous
mahel magicien paris mariage
offrez à vos invités une animation magie
Heading H3
close up cocktailbulles de savon géantes
sculpture sur ballon
un magicien professionnel pour votre soirée de mariage à paris
magicien au repas
show scénique
spectacle de magie enfant