Keyword Density Checker
Keyword | Frequency | Density |
stay informed current | 2 | 1.60% |
random city weather | 2 | 1.60% |
yogyakarta indonesia kathmandu | 1 | 5.08% |
indonesia kathmandu nepal | 1 | 5.08% |
follow instagram blankweather | 1 | 0.80% |
countries cities online | 1 | 0.80% |
destinations button follow | 1 | 0.80% |
weather nature instagram | 1 | 0.80% |
beauty weather nature | 1 | 0.80% |
stunning beauty weather | 1 | 0.80% |
blankweather stunning beauty | 1 | 0.80% |
instagram blankweather stunning | 1 | 0.80% |
vietnam yogyakarta indonesia | 1 | 5.08% |
colombia phuket thailand | 1 | 5.08% |
popular holiday places | 1 | 5.08% |
places tenerife colombia | 1 | 5.08% |
holiday places tenerife | 1 | 5.08% |
bulgaria popular holiday | 1 | 5.08% |
sofia bulgaria popular | 1 | 5.08% |
nepal sofia bulgaria | 1 | 5.08% |
kathmandu nepal sofia | 1 | 5.08% |
marrakech morocco santorini | 1 | 5.08% |
error working correctly | 1 | 5.08% |
tenerife colombia phuket | 1 | 5.08% |
Keyword | Frequency | Density |
wind speed | 4 | 2.13% |
weather data | 4 | 2.13% |
rain snow | 2 | 1.07% |
follow instagram | 2 | 1.07% |
weather forecasts | 2 | 1.07% |
barcelona catalonia | 2 | 6.78% |
plan day | 2 | 1.07% |
sunrise sunset | 2 | 1.07% |
time format | 2 | 1.07% |
diverse weather | 2 | 1.07% |
weather conditions | 2 | 1.07% |
indonesia kathmandu | 1 | 3.39% |
kathmandu nepal | 1 | 3.39% |
yogyakarta indonesia | 1 | 3.39% |
error working | 1 | 3.39% |
nepal sofia | 1 | 3.39% |
tenerife colombia | 1 | 3.39% |
places tenerife | 1 | 3.39% |
holiday places | 1 | 3.39% |
popular holiday | 1 | 3.39% |
bulgaria popular | 1 | 3.39% |
sofia bulgaria | 1 | 3.39% |
colombia phuket | 1 | 3.39% |
Keyword | Frequency | Density |
conditions | 8 | 2.13% |
blankweather | 7 | 1.87% |
data | 6 | 1.60% |
wind | 6 | 1.60% |
pressure | 5 | 1.33% |
temperature | 5 | 1.33% |
time | 5 | 1.33% |
current | 4 | 1.07% |
speed | 4 | 1.07% |
catalonia | 2 | 3.39% |
places | 2 | 3.39% |
barcelona | 2 | 3.39% |
weather | 2 | 3.39% |
thailand | 2 | 3.39% |
kathmandu | 1 | 1.69% |
sofia | 1 | 1.69% |
error | 1 | 1.69% |
popular | 1 | 1.69% |
bulgaria | 1 | 1.69% |
holiday | 1 | 1.69% |
nepal | 1 | 1.69% |
This tool extracts most used keywords found inside the body of the webpage. Meta Keywords tag are removed from the keyword statistics. English stop-words are removed.
The following headings are splitted into sub-ones through punctuation. The sentences longer than 10 words are omitted. These are punctuation-free sentences.
Heading H1
your personalized weather forecast solutionmodal title
Heading H2
follow us on instagramcomprehensive weather data
customizable weather settings
discover weather in random cities
popular holiday places
most budget places
reliable data sources